In a world that rewards free advertising such as search engine optimization, social media marketing, online press releases, and ad exchanges, why would any company want to spend money on advertising? Pay per click advertising may be very good for driving traffic, but its equally as good as busting budgets. Isn’t it?
It’s a good to ask: Why? Why use pay per click at all if you can reach people for free?
There is, of course, more than one answer. A popular answer is that you can reach your market more quickly with PPC than with other forms of marketing. Articles, for instance, are great traffic drivers, link builders, and online marketing tools – and they are free. But you won’t get results within hours. The same could be said of any online marketing strategy that is free. They’re good, but you can’t expect results within hours. With pay per click advertising you can.
With search engine advertising, you can throw up a landing page, write an ad, set your budget, and watch it go live then wait an hour or two and see your traffic start climbing. If you have a good sales page you might even see some sales. Try that with other online media tools.
Two other reasons companies use advertising are 1) it’s easily track able and measurable; and 2) you can target your marketing specifically to the people you are trying to reach.
With benefits like these, why wouldn’t you use pay per click?