If you have a successful pay per click advertising campaign running at Google AdWords and you want to export to MSN adCenter, it’s pretty simple. The first step is to export the files in Google adWords to a CSV file. That’s easier to do with the Google AdWords Editor. But it’s a fairly simple process.
Next, you have to import the CSV file to MSN adCenter. Inside the MSN adCenter management area you’ll see a link above your campaigns that says “Import campaigns”. Click that button and upload your file. Then you can start making changes and creating ad groups within MSN adCenter.
This is a good thing to do if you’ve used Google AdWords to tweak your pay per click campaigns and get them to making you money. You wouldn’t want to export a campaign that isn’t doing well. But those campaign that are heavily optimized and making you money, those you want to keep and use with other services. Be prepared to tweak the optimization a little to match the specific algorithm of the search engine you are importing to. But you shouldn’t have make sweeping changes.