MSN Live pay per click network has introduced and is now promoting a new feature called dynamic text. The feature is only available in your search ads, not network ads. Here’s how it works:
When a searcher uses a keyword related to your keyword, but different, MSN adCenter will replace your keyword with the search phrase used by the searcher. So, for instance, if your keyword is “copywriter” and your ad’s title reads “Hire A Copywriter Today”, if a searcher enters “ghostwriter” into the search box then your ad will be changed to read “Hire A Ghostwriter Today”. Pretty nifty, huh?
You have to enter the parameters of your ad text yourself. So you’re in essence telling MSN Live which keywords to move in and out of the dynamic text parameters. I think this is a useful feature. It means that you don’t have to write umpteen ads targeting every key phrase that you want to go after and if a searcher queries “ghostwriter” they will see a targeted ad specifically for that search phrase rather than one for the keyword “copywriter”.
I just wonder if anyone has tried this pay per click feature over at MSN Adcenter and if they have any feedback on it?